Whether you have a few hours a month or lots of time, The Kendall County Historical Society offers you the
opportunity to explore and share your interests and skills. Volunteer contributions of time and talent allow
the Society to accomplish its goals, keeping expenses to a minimum. Without volunteers, the historical society
would crumble. It's the dedication of our volunteers that preserve the rich heritage of Kendall County. You
don't have to be an adult to volunteer either. We take volunteers of all ages. This allows us to pass on
knowledge to future generations and share the joy we feel by volunteering for a worthwhile cause.
If you're interested in volunteering, please email volunteer@lyonfarmkchs.org with your name and how you would
like to help.
Thank you to our volunteers!
Joe & Cindy Voiland - for scraping and painting the woodshed
Joe Voiland - for weed whacking around the buildings before Fall Fest, setting up picnic tables for Fall Fest, helping Pam put the tables up for the winter, and facilitating S'mores at Christmas at the Farm
Todd Milliron & Pam Milliron - for playing Santa & Mrs. Claus, the Easter Bunny, and helping at Fall FestVictor Contreras, Sharp Interiors - for dry wall repair